27 October 2022. Participation in the FES Virtual Conference: Teaching in social sciences and teaching innovation in feminist perspective presenting the results of the project (Aloe Cubero) and pedagogical elements for teaching about gender related violence (Barbara Biglia).
11-20 October 2022. Photovoice and gender related violence training at the Institute of Educational Sciences of the University of Seville by Aloe Cubero and Rocío Garrido.
21-24 September 2022. 9ICCP NAPLES 2022 International Congress of Community Psychology. Presentation of the communication “Involving youth against Gender Related Violence through Photovoice: an international experience with Spanish, Mexican and Argentinian university students”, about the experiences of COIL and photovoice developed within the framework of the project.
June 2 2022, Final conference of the project: with the participation of Feminist Educators Against Sexism (FEAS), Australian companies. We share the project results and listen to the students and teachers involved in the COIL. You can watch the videos of the conference here!
25, 26, 27 May 2022. Poster presetation “Abordajes de las violencias sexuales y de género a través del photovoice en el contexto universitario” (Aloe Cubero and Barbara Biglia) VI International Congress on Pedagogical Innovation and Educational Praxis INNOVAGOGIA
11-25 February 2022. Training for MIDE teachers at the University of Barcelona. The main objective of this training was to offer a space to learn how to design and implement a photovoice process.